WP0 Coordination
WP1 Parkland dynamic drivers
Task 1.1 - At landscape scale
D 1.1.1 Typology and evolution of parklands at landscape level.
D1. Update - Relations entre parcs et climat.
D 1.1.2 Demographic evolution and parkland dynamics.
D 1.1.3 Market, rules and value chains for non-timber forests products.
Task 1.2 - At territory scale
D 1.2.1 Typology and current state of agroforestry parklands at territory level.
D 1.2.2 Social and economic constraints and drivers at territory level.
D 1.2.3 Land tenure and resource access: the case of agroforestry parklands.
Task 1.3 - At farm scale
D 1.3.1 Typology of farmers livelihoods on parklands.
D Update -Typology of farmers livelihoods on parklands_Burkina Faso.
D 1.3.2 Farmer attachment to parkland and practices.
WP2 Socio-ecosystem services provided by the parklands
Task 2.1 - Provisioning services
D 2.1.1 Tree impacts on the associated crops.
D 2.1.2 Quantification of the provisioning services provided by the trees.
​Task 2.2 - Supporting and regulating services
D 2.2.1 Tree impacts on their immediate environment.
D.2.2.2 Tree impacts at parkland and territory scales.
D 2.2.3 Tree functioning.
D 2.2.4 Soil-vegetation-atmosphere transferts of energy, carbon, and water in a parkland.
Task 2.3 - Spatialization of the services provided by the parklands
D 2.3 Spatialization of the services provided by the studied agroforestry parklands.
WP3 Co-construction of agroforestry parkland intensification scenarios
D 3.1 Simulations of parkland dynamics under innovative management scenarios (biophysical model).
D 3.2 Simulation of livelihoods and incomes of households that benefit from innovative parkland management scenarios (socio-economic model).
D 3.3 Launch and running of the multi-actors innovation platforms.
WP4 Design & facilitation of scaling scenarios
30 partners, including 24 Ministries and Funding Agencies (Group of Funders) from 18 European and African countries decide to join their forces and funding to build an ERA-Net Cofund project with a financial support of the European Commission.
RAMSES II is one of the 27 projects selected by the Leap-Agri Group of Funders.