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WP4 Design and facilitation of scaling ISMSI (co-leaders Bastide B. & Brouwers J.)

In WP 4 the Theory of Change (ToC) is consolidated in a Theory of Scaling, allowing to design, during the course of the project, systemic changes for achieving design of sustainable ISMSI up-scaling and out-scaling for the project outreach.
Task 4.1 will evaluate a “cluster” diffusion method of shea tree regeneration techniques conducted by INERA since 2012, and the relevance of its use for increasing long-term RAMSESII impacts. The pyramid-style "cluster training” has been organised per village with 5 to 10 women chosen by the representatives of the unions according to their skills and their dynamism. They were trained (theory, implementation andfollow-up) in all the tree regeneration techniques. Every year new "contact women" were included and another training takes place under the supervision of INERA. As trainers, the “contact women” receive technical and logistical support to be able to continue to hire their services.
Task 4.2 will develop a monitoring & evaluation framework including the indicators and data use of the project, and selected from the result pathways: outputs-outcomes-impact as identified in the ToC and Annex 3. A set of quantitative and qualitative indicators will be identified at start-up of the project in a baseline provided by the results from existing researches and updated/completed during the project. These will be monitored and where necessary changes made and facilitated to achieve sustainable ISMSI up-scaling and out-scaling.

Theory of Change upscaling. (@Brouwers J. WUR)

30 partners, including 24 Ministries and Funding Agencies (Group of Funders) from 18 European and African countries decide to join their forces and funding to build an ERA-Net Cofund project with a financial support of the European Commission.

RAMSES II is one of the 27 projects selected by the Leap-Agri Group of Funders.



Shea parkland
Women and children
Sob experimental site
Kamboinsé experimental site
Shea butter
Contact meeting
Keur-Matar site (near Thiès)
Shea parkland
Faidherbia albida
The team at Sob site
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