WP3 Intensification scenarios co-building (co-leaders Sanfo S. & Ingram V.)
Task 3.1 a bio-Economic modelling will assess the impacts on crop production, households income and environmental sustainability of parkland intensification management scenarios emerging from the participatory dialogue processes with farmers. Modelling will take into account current socio-economic situations from WP1, expected evolution in agroforestry drivers from WP1, and the short and long term trade-offs between provisioning and the other socio-ecosystem services from WP2. Modelling includes the growth models CELSIUS (crops), MAESPA (trees) (Charbonnier et al. 2017), and the economic model ANDERS (Affholder et al. 2013).
Task 3.2 A participative livelihood approach at farm scale will investigate scenario feasibility (Turner et al. 2003, Adger 2006), assessing the impacts of shocks, such asclimatic, volatility of commodities prices, population growth, soil degradation, on livelihoods, and farmer’s capacity to change their current practices.
Task 3.3 A participatory approach at territoryscale targeting administrators, policymakers, decision makers, customary right-holders, and « social cadets » (women, youths, migrant, breeders, farm labourers/harvesters,etc.), will assess realistic governance arrangements to support farmers who adopt scenarios with a focus on resolution of land and resource tenure conflicts (Ostrom 2003). To generate ISMIS with potential to upscale to regional and national level, innovation platforms based on models Convergence of Sciences, Strengthening of Innovation Systems (http://www.wageningenportals.nl/cossis) and Participatory Action Research (Sanogo et al. 2017) will be set up in each country. They will bring together farmers (Task 3.2), scientists (WP1, WP2, Task 3.1), state institutions, customary authorities, and “social cadets” (Task 3.3) from whom interactions are expected to remove constraints, create cohesion and consensus, and reveal stakeholders capable of generating and achieving major changes that create new conditions on both farm and landscape level.
Innovation platform Niakhar 2021, Sénégal. (@ Seghieri J. IRD)
30 partners, including 24 Ministries and Funding Agencies (Group of Funders) from 18 European and African countries decide to join their forces and funding to build an ERA-Net Cofund project with a financial support of the European Commission.
RAMSES II is one of the 27 projects selected by the Leap-Agri Group of Funders.