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                        WP1 Parkland dynamics drivers (co-leaders Droy I. & Dieng M.)

will provide a diagnosis. Three tasks will analyse :
Task 1.1 at landscape scale the population growth,  migration, urbanization, climate variation, policies, market volatility, using remote sensing (multi-dates), parkland tree inventories and biometric measurements, surveys, analysis of population census, to assess the main biophysical, technical, and socio-economic management drivers of the studied parklands.
Task 1.2 at territory scale the current sectorial and land regulation, structures of parkland governance and access, focusing on competition and conflicts around land and tree tenure that constrain resource and market access and sustainable parkland management, distance from villages, soils, agricultural, pastoral/transhumance, forestry practices, collective initiatives, group behaviour, i.e., gender, cultures, etc.
Task 1.3 at farm scale, the cropping/home garden system, technical means, inputs and outputs, tree product uses, leasehold contracts and access rights.

At territory and farm scales, participatory analysis and focus groups, will help to identify
stakeholders who are motivated by innovative management and arrangements promoting
sustainable intensification of parklands.

Map of vegetation cover status in 2018, Koumbia-Dano transect (Delivrable D1.1.1)

30 partners, including 24 Ministries and Funding Agencies (Group of Funders) from 18 European and African countries decide to join their forces and funding to build an ERA-Net Cofund project with a financial support of the European Commission.

RAMSES II is one of the 27 projects selected by the Leap-Agri Group of Funders.



Shea parkland
Women and children
Sob experimental site
Kamboinsé experimental site
Shea butter
Contact meeting
Keur-Matar site (near Thiès)
Shea parkland
Faidherbia albida
The team at Sob site
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